Author page: admin

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

It’s always an honour being selected to design and produce custom tailored clothes for a wedding, and it was an absolute pleasure suiting up groom, Jeff along with his father Dale for Jeff’s big day marrying the beautiful Anh. A spectacular wedding and another great excuse for Juli & Jerry to make and wear new outfits themselves. We wish many…

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Self Service

Self Service

The only thing we love more than making beautiful clothes for our customers, is making clothes for ourselves, and when our good friends Steve and Helen’s wedding invitation specified a red and white dress code, Jerry had just the thing in mind. It’s always a great feeling designing and making garments, wearing them personally, and receiving lots of positive comments…

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Return of The P…

Return of The P…

Mr. P – The Sequel. He’s back! This time sporting a fresh blue check blazer coupled with triple pleat linen trousers – a great casual setup for the man of leisure.A valued customer and friend who is a joy to deal with on every occasion. Cheers, P – another fantastic result!

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Word Travels…

Word Travels…

And it was during a motorbike tour in the far North of Vietnam that Kris heard about the service at Be Li Tailor. A few days later and his new wardrobe is complete, including 2 x 3 piece suits – one a tuxedo – 4 shirts, 3 pairs of trousers and a sweet leather biker jacket to boot. A pair…

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Family Ties

Family Ties

We had great fun with the Cok’s and Lefevere’s from Belgium, outfitting the entire families with new tailored suits, shirts, skirts – you name it! Approximately 30 garments were measured, manufactured, fitted, adjusted and packed in 2 days with great results and smiles all round.

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